What Partners Can Learn From Associates: Top Five Insights

Mark Romance and Tasha Dickinson are partners at Day Pitney, and recognize ways that legal associates in firms today are helping to shape the evolving legal landscape. The attorneys map out the main five ways they believe that young associates starting out in their career can transform a law firm with innovative ideas, new technologies, online networking and effective social media strategy.
Technology Proficiency
Associates can introduce new technologies to the firm, and they are also adept at sharing invaluable tips and shortcuts to maximize the potential of current tools. A collaborative environment can lead to a symbiotic relationship between partners and associates.
Current Legal Trends
Associates who are new law school graduations will bring knowledge of legal trends to the practice. Their perspective can help improve a firm’s legal strategy.
Social Media and Marketing
Associates can demonstrate a profound understanding of social media and the nuances of online networking. They can help partners use platforms such as LinkedIn for business development.
Work-Life Balance
Associates’ emphasis on work-life balance has helped to transform the legal landscape. While flexibility is key to recruitment and retention, we are finding that associates want to be a part of an office environment that fosters both professional growth and personal enjoyment. Allowing associates the flexibility to not have to work a traditional 9 to 5 schedule works when there is never a question of whether an attorney will get the job done.
Diversity and Inclusion
When hiring associates, firms should actively seek out people of diverse perspectives, backgrounds, interests, and work and life experiences who will strengthen our practices and our firm. A diverse team on client engagements allows for different perspectives and thus better results for our clients.
Are you interested in learning more about what partners can learn from associates? Read more in this law.com article.