Want to Thin Your Law Firm’s Head Count? Make Everyone Come Back to The Office

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, law firm managing partners have advocated for the necessity of bringing attorneys back into the office, especially to be able to mentor the next generation of lawyers and protect their firm’s culture. While firms have developed hybrid work models, these leaders are about to find out whether lawyers value their law firm’s culture and mentorship over the ability to remote work.
If that sounds ominous, it should. Last week, the American Lawyer posted a survey asking Big Law attorneys to describe their firm’s return-to-office policy and reflect on how they felt about it. We also asked what could be improved and how these policies may impact lawyers’ willingness to move to another firm. We ultimately garnered 350 responses after our reporters and industry thought leaders shared it on their social media channels.
An associate at White & Case summed up the prevailing mood: “If they try to get me back in the office[,] I will 100% leave.”
Are you interested in how thinning your law firm’s head count could make everyone come back to the office? Read more in this law.com article.