Training Lawyers in AI and Using AI to Boost Training

Firms such as Husch Blackwell, one of the big law firms on the Am Law 100, started using an outside provider that uses AI with training young attorneys. The AI uses real-world scenarios to help with training, and other top firms in the country are also doing the same.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius chief AI and knowledge officer Colleen Nihill said that while there are folks who are “fearful of AI” her firm is using AI as a tool “in connection with their role” and teaching employees the capabilities and limitations of AI in that context. Employees at Nihill’s firm can take an accreditation training program to show clients that they have a working knowledge of AI and the law.
Meanwhile, Husch Blackwell uses AI to assist in finding data-driven feedback to train associates with provider AltaClaro.
“The problem that we feel that AltaClaro addresses for us is providing our associates early on with real-world training that increases not only their efficiency and effectiveness for our deal teams, but also, we believe, their overall satisfaction with the job,” said Kirstin Salzman, a partner at Husch Blackwell.
The program includes experiential learning courses derived from feedback from associates, allowing lawyers to figure out areas where they can improve performance at work.
Husch Blackwell’s Amandeep Kaur began using AltoClaro’s program last year.
“It teaches you everything between what a transaction is, the difference between a merger, a stock purchase, an asset purchase,” said Kaur, a second year associate.
Are you interested in advice on using AI to boost training? Read more in this article.