The Power of the Concrete: Tips for Effective Public Speaking

Michael P. Maslanka, associate professor of law at UNT Dallas College of Law, advises that “everyone is an inherently effective public speaker given the right tools” and believes that a person can “embrace the authentic version of yourself, and step up to the podium.”
His next book, “Effective Communication for Lawyers: Presenting, Counseling, Negotiating,” lists some strategies and tips for attorneys when presenting int he court room.
How Do I Start?
Maslanska advises that “audiences are increasingly sensitive to their time being wasted.” A speaker should focus the talk immediately about the needs of the audience. This way, the audience starts off engaged in the speaker’s talk.
How Do I Maintain Engagement?
Once an audience is engaged, then the speaker’s responsibility is to keep them engaged with some strategies:
–The Power of Contrast: Brains are wired for contrast, with a talk structured to go from one end to what is possible.
–The Power of the Concrete: Making a concrete statement can have the largest impact on an audience.
–The Power of Rhetorical Questions: Its singular purpose is to initially prompt reflection by the listener with the reflection possibly leading to agreement with the speaker’s thesis.
Are you interested in more effective public speaking tips? Read more in this article.