Remote Work Isn’t the Only Reason Lawyers Are Flocking to Virtual Firms

During the last year and a half, virtual law firms have been flooded with interest from lawyers. However, as more traditional law firms eased restrictions around in-office requirements, lawyers continue to move to virtual law firms, signaling that the remote-work element of such a model is just one of many innovative business aspects that appeal to lawyers.
The capability to work from anywhere—or, perhaps, take the time on a weekday night to attend a parent-teacher conference—is certainly a draw for people. Lawyers are increasingly pointing to the billable hours requirement on which much of the industry has predicted its success as an area that is in need of change.
“The time has come to embrace the idea that success should not be driven by the ability to meet some draconian, quantitative hours measurement,” said David Reidy, managing partner of Silicon Valley-born virtual firm Scale.
Are you interested in learning more about how remote work isn’t the only reason lawyers are flocking to virtual firms? Read more in this article.