Ready To Change Law Firms? Not So Fast; the Grass May Not Be Greener at Another Law Firm

This may be surprising to hear, but most law firm candidates recruiters speak with about moving to a new firm say they are not happy with their current law firm. This has become an ongoing situation legal recruiters see in law firm partners who are looking to make a move for the wrong reasons.
Nonetheless, when recruiters are asked further about the topic, they usually find that they haven’t drilled deeply into their issues or tried to improve what they do not like at their current firm. This situation seems to be the case even more so now compared to recent years.
There is a large competition for law firm partners at this moment that are being pursued with overly generous offers of compensation and other support to build up their practice.
However, if you are a lawyer that is thinking of moving, these law firm recruiters suggest that you consider the questions discussed in this article and give them some thought about how to get what you want by influencing your current firm to make changes.
If you do not succeed in having your firm make these changes, then you are still better equipped with the knowledge of what you exactly want from your new employers.
Are you interested in learning more about how the grass may not be greener at another law firm and what you could try to do at your current firm before making this change? Read more in this article.