Legal Recruiter Secrets: The Good & Bad of Getting Published

How to get invited as a guest speaker and get published in the trade publications.
The good, the bad, and the ugly of generating publicity.
- 1. Image is everything.
When asked to send a bio and photo for an article or a speaking engagement, have a professional portrait photo taken and a good writer prepare your bio.
Tip: Don’t delay, if you don’t send in your photo and bio at the same time as your press release or within a day of being asked, the reporter or editor may need to run some other story or go with another speaker. Getting it done is better than getting it perfect.
2. Follow up.
Journalists and speaker events have one thing in common. They are on deadline and don’t have time to follow up. If you want the gig, you’ll need to find a way to get in touch with them sooner than later. If they don’t respond to your email, text them. Or find out who reports under them. You snooze, you lose. Balance that with making sure you did your research, and they are the correct person to reach out to and make sure you are not over-following up especially when they are on deadline. Put yourself in their shoes and follow up to the degree that would prefer.
3. When talking to the press, think carefully before responding to questions.
When you don’t have a good answer, ask if you can get back to them shortly or take a moment to think before you respond. Be sure to get back to them quickly if that is what you promise. Remember these people are on deadline and you want to develop a good business relationship with them.
4. Keep in contact, become a resource.
Share important information about the industry and your company to journalists and organizations that host speaker events. You will be more likely to be quoted once you become known as a responsive, valuable resource.
5. Don’t tell a reporter how to write your story.
They are there to develop the story they think is best. As long as they don’t get the story wrong, don’t bother them about small things that were not included. They are the gatekeepers, don’t harass them about when the article will be published or what it will say.
6. Be honest and play fair.
Don’t tell a reporter you are offering them an exclusive and then share it with several publications or even several reporters at one publication. Be clear when you offer them exclusive news or information and be honest in your dealings with reporters always. Everyone likes to work with people they can trust. These relationships grow over time when people do the right thing.
Quote from: Sharyn O’Mara, Futterman, Lanza & Pasculli, LLP, Elder Law & Estate Planning in Smithtown, Bay Shore and Garden City, New York.
“Actively cultivate relationships with local reporters to become a resource for them for any stories that have to do with your practice of law or other topics you want to offer insight about. Share important information that is relevant to their readers. Inform them about upcoming events and relevant news. Stay in touch, stay available and stay ready.”
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