Lawyers with AI Skills Can Reap 49% Wage Premium, Research Shows

A study by PwC found that workers who have expertise on artificial intelligence can earn about a 49 percent higher salary than peers without AI skills in the United States, and about a 27 percent higher salary in the United Kingdom.
The PwC study also reports on how AI is changing the labor market, and rationalizing that “sectors with highest AI penetration” currently have five times greater labor productivity growth. AI skills such as neural networks have been invaluable to companies in professional services, communication, and financial sectors.
Top law firms in the United Kingdom have worked to develop AI capabilities. But it still remains to be seen what the impact artificial intelligence will have on the market since most law firms have not fully integrated using AI on transactional work and litigation.
Are you interested in more advice about how AI skills make candidates more desirable? Read more in this article.