Lawyers: Get Linked IN to Convert Your Contacts Into Clients

Julie Talenfed of Boardroom PR writes about the importance of law firms learning to utilize the online platform LinkedIn. Firms, businesses and agencies can convert their contacts into clients via LinkedIn.
Talenfeld mentions that companies should start by creating a company page for the firm. Some tips from Talenfeld include:
Tell Your Story. Remember to showcase your firm to the world, announce company news and updates and discuss trends in the industry.
Write and Share. You can share detailed content on LinkedIn that is easily shareable to your network. Things that can be shared include presentations, blog posts, infographics, webinars, and podcasts.
Get Noticed. Having an active LinkedIn Profile can boost your firm’s online presence. Focus on the search engine optimization and improving your company’s overall visibility.
Boost Your Network. Social media helps greatly with networking, and LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool. You should promote your company’s profile and build a strong following to connect directly to those in your industry.
Are you interested in learning more about using LinkedIn to further your career? Read more in this article.