If You Want To Be a Litigator, Pro Bono Isn’t Just Your Professional Responsibility: It’s Your Ticket to Success

This article is for litigators who went to law school with a strong desire to represent clients in their legal disputes equipped with the expertise and experience to solve their problems. Daniel Brown, pro bono partner at Sheppard Mullin, advises that pro bono work experience helps litigators write and deliver persuasive arguments, negotiate with opposing counsel, reach favorable settlements and prevail at trial.
Brown writes that pro bono work is a “gateway to litigation expertise and professional success” and provides early and invaluable skills development. After taking on a pro bono case involving the New York City marathon on behalf of wheelchair users, Brown was able to meet with clients for their stories, prepare a complaint, negotiate with senior attorneys at other firms, appear before a judge, and manage the case through the conclusion. It was his first real experience as a litigator and Brown advises to always maintain one or more pro bono cases at any given time. He realized he could gain the litigation skills and experiences quicker through taking on pro bono cases.
“If you want to develop the skills and reputation needed to attract clients, your ultimate goal should be to have case ownership and responsibility from inception through resolution,” Brown writes. Aside from pro bono cases, most attorneys do not have case autonomy until they reach the ranks of senior associate or partner.
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of taking on pro bono work? Read more in this law.com article.