How to Ace Your Law Firm Job Interview by Asking Good Questions

Regina Rousseau formerly practiced intellectual property law and now works as a legal recruiter with VOYlegal in Boston. After sharpening interviewing skills, gaining experience, building a network and polishing your resume, prospective employees need to ace the interview to get the job at a great firm. Rousseau advises the best ways for attorneys to stand out and leave a positive impression on the legal recruiter by also asking the firm well-researched questions.
Rousseau highlights the top questions attorneys should ask legal recruiters at their law firm interviews, with interview prep being an important component of the process.
Do Your Research
Rousseau says to stay away from generic questions by researching the company, learning about the firm, practice group, and the individuals you will work with.
Ask Follow-Up Questions
Listen closely to the answers given by the recruiter and ask follow up questions to create more connection during the interview.
Learn Everything You Can About the Job and Firm
Rousseau advises interviewees to inquire about the firm. Some potential questions are:
-How would you describe the firm’s culture and values?
-Can you tell me more about some of the people in the group I’ll be part of?
-What do you like best about working here?
-What are some of the biggest challenges the firm faces in the next few years?
-What are the types of projects I’m likely to be working on upon starting?
-What is the practice group’s plan for growth moving forward?
-What does the path to partnership look like here?
Are you interested in more interview tips from Regina Rousseau? Read more in this article.