Go With the Flow: Five Key Mindsets for Work and Life

Michael P. Maslanka, associate professor of law at UNT Dallas College of Law, presents five key mindsets for a successful professional life in his new book “A Short and Happy Guide to Professional Responsibility.” In the book, he highlights five key mindsets that promote a healthy approach to riding the waves in an attorney’s professional life:
Mindset No. 1: Be Open to the Universe.
Maslanska advises that people tap into random encounters in the universe, as you never know when a new introduction can lead to an opportunity. He quotes former University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban’s saying “Seek not to be blessed, but rather seek to be a blessing” in illustrating that fortune favors those who put themselves in the path of opportunity.
Mindset No. 2: Get in the Water, Catch the Wave
The idea is that a person will benefit from interacting with anything that is thrown at them. While we may not be in control of the events of the day, we are in control of how we react to each event. The more times you put yourself out there, the more opportunities may be seized.
Mindset No. 3: Use Tech, Bet on Humanity
Maslanka also advises not to turn one’s back on asking for advice from experts in their fields, versus turning to use technology. Using one’s network and contacts for knowledge can help save time, and build one’s relationships.
Are you interested in learning more key mindsets from Michael Maslanka? Read more in this law.com article.