Breaking Beyond Your Specialty Niche
Lawyers who have ambitions of broadening their expertise could advance in their careers by following a few simple tips, according to recruiter Mike Evers of Evers Legal.
Since subject-matter experts do hit ceilings in terms of advancement, attorneys can proactively break out of the expert niche. Start by maximizing a conference opportunity, whether in-person or online, and attend sessions outside your normal subject areas. To get the attention of your general counsel, don’t just attend sessions for CLE credit, but report back with updates on the law to your firm.
For those attorneys in a midsize to small law firm, convey your interest in more work and responsibilities to your general counsel.
Attorneys could also become the person who knows their clients and become the problem solver for internal clients at your firm. Once nonmanagers and executives view you as the internal problem solver, an attorney could gain access to more work opportunities within the firm outside their subject matter expertise.
Are you interested in learning tips about expanding your career to other subject matters? Read more in this article.