Avoid These Mistakes When Crafting A Legal Resume

Michael Maslanka, associate professor of law at University of Dallas, advises against making these mistakes when writing a resume. Here are some myths to stay away from when crafting your resume:
Myth 1: Just Facts
Make the facts of your resume meaningful so that the reader knows the importance of any awards or accomplishments listed. For example, an explanation of the award on the resume also lets its reader know that the author was vetted by others.
Myth No. 2: Law Only
Adding more than just legal experience to your resume could help you in the interview process. You could add “Legal Experience” and “Life Experience” sections to your resume and reflect on what each experience means.
Myth No. 3: Nothing Controversial
“Transparency is a virtue in life and on resumes.” Sometimes full disclosure will lead to a job that is a better fit for both the candidate and firm.
Myth No. 4: Play Safe
Playing it safe often leads to being part of the white noise for recruiters – standing out sometimes helps you in both building your resume and the interview process.
Myth No. 5: Always Short
You don’t always have to stick to the one-page resume if you have something compelling to describe.
Are you interested in more myths of resume writing? Read more in this law.com article.