Are Thank-You Notes Important?

I say YES!
A common misconception is that once the interview is over, all you can do is wait for the phone to ring. Wrong. Sitting back and doing nothing may diminish your chances of securing the position.
“As a legal recruiter, one of the most common mistakes candidates make is not following up after an interview” – Shari Davidson, President On Balance Search Consultants.
A thank you note rarely gets you the job, but it can be the difference in kick-starting the process of landing that career opportunity.
Why Write a Thank You Note
- 1. It shows that you can follow up on matters.
- 2. Your professionalism.
- 3. Can you write a short note and get to the point? A thank-you note is like a second writing sample.
- 4. Your enthusiasm for getting the position or even business (for future business development)
- 5. A thank you note reflects who you are. Are you grateful, humble, conscientious, etc.?
Do’s and Don’ts of Thank You Notes
Be proactive. Learn these simple strategies to ensure you are top of mind with the decision-makers at the firm.
- 1. PROOFREAD!!!!! Before you press send, MAKE sure it is perfect. Make sure there are no typos. Spelling or grammar errors of any sort, including the name of the partner, law firm, or inverting letters (i.e., receive vs. recieve), will reflect on your writing skills and carelessness.
-Please DO NOT send a note stating: I am sorry I had a typo in the thank you, I previous sent. This will not help your cause. - 2. FORMAT- send yourself the thank you note and view it on your mobile device. The thank-you note should be easy to read and have no more than one swap on your phone. Be brief to the point.
- 3. DO NOT- rewrite your resume. You have already met with the law firms’ team. They know who and what you can do.
- 4. DO NOT – send group thank you notes. Send separate emails to everyone that was in the interview. Personalize each note.
- 5. DO highlight a point that was discussed in the interview.
- 6. Know your Audience. What are they looking for? What are their interests? Most practice leaders and managers use their mobile devices to read emails.
-According to Google, “Email open rates from mobile devices have grown by more than 100% since 2011, and the percentage of open rates from mobile continues to grow each year! Today, 81% of all emails are now opened and read on mobile devices.” - 7. ERR on the safe side. If you don’t know how to address the email. Use Ms. Or Mr.
- 8. BE conscientious of cultural bias.
- 9. WHEN to write the thank you note.
-“I started recruiting in the 1990s. My team coached our candidates to get nice stationery and write handwritten personal notes. Mail it ASAP. It may have taken 2-3 days, and sometimes a week, to receive the mail. In today’s digital age, life happens quickly. We don’t have the luxury of time. I suggest getting thank you notes out quickly for all the reasons in this article.” - 10. ND the thank note – by moving the process forward. I.e., I look forward to meeting the rest of the team.
A thank you note may not get you the career job of your dreams. BUT taking the time to write the note will level the playing field.
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About On Balance Search Consultants
On Balance offers great insight and industry intelligence. Shari Davidson, president of On Balance Search Consultants, advises law firms on how to take a firm to the next level and helps rising talent make the transition to the right law firm.
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