2022 Advice for Everyone From an In-House Counsel Who Hires Law Firms

Stacy Clark Marketing’s very own Stacy West Clark recently had an eye-opening lunch with an area associate general counsel of a large U.S. company—a business that has over 1 million customers. This specific in-house counsel hires and oversees the majority of firms that conduct litigation on the company’s behalf.
When this in-house counsel started with her company several years ago, the business was using hundreds of outside firms. Now, they work with 10 go to firms as outside counsel (this does not include local counsel).
Since this in-house counsel had a lot of extremely helpful things to discuss with Clark about her relationship with outside firms, she agreed to give her and her company anonymity for this interview.
Are you interested in learning more about advice from a high-power in-house counsel who hires law firms? Read more in this law.com article.